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Coaching to Flourish Live Season 2, Episode 12

Live Questions & Answers

Coach Training EDU founder John Andrew Williams and CTEDU Assessor and Master Coach Raj Anderson host this episode of Coaching to Flourish Live. During this session, they discuss youth training as coaches and being coached, how the coach’s mindset affects the coaching session, and the most common reasons coaches fail in business.

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Coach Training Our Youth
How Mindset Affects the Coaching Session
Most Common Reasons Coaches Fail in Business
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Get the answer to these questions!

I’m 16 and want to become a coach.  Are there any age restrictions
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How does the giving- versus getting-mindset affect coaches going into a coaching session?
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What would you consider the single greatest mistake(s) that causes new coaches to fail in building their business?
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Coaching to Flourish - Takeaways


  • Imagine if high school-aged youth were trained as coaches.
  • Financial stability versus the heart to help (the romantic side of us) in building a coaching business or understanding the coach’s relationship with money and maintaining the dream.
  • The importance of new coach support systems.
  • How hesitancy in networking can impact business growth.
  • Knowing when perfection isn’t needed to get started.

Quotes to Ponder

“There are some people still in that lack-mentality [that think] if I’m spending my time and energy helping someone else, that means I have less. That’s simply not the case.” – John (7:55)

In discussing the book “Lynchpin” by Seth Godin, John states, “There is a fundamental shift when we ask ourselves not what we can get but how much art can we give – it’s art – how much caring, how much moving of emotion we’ll be able to transport through the work that we do.” (8:11)

“What made coaching feel like it shifted for me - it was a different way to exchange emotion between two people.” – John (8:08)

“Energy changes when you think about what you can give versus what you can get.” - Raj (10:00)

On honoring the business-self and the romantic-self (the dreamer) is needed to balance a sustainable coaching business, and why that is so important, John states, “You as a coach doing the emotional work of taking the steps to build your coaching practice, it’s not [just] for your sake. You’re becoming financially sustainable for the sake of the mission, for the sake of the field, and for the sake of humanity. Humanity needs financially sustainable coaches in order to cultivate this expertise so that we as human beings have coaching capacity. On a larger level, you almost have a responsibility to be financially sustainable in order to continue to do this work [for the world].” (14:07)


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