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ALC Sport Training Course

Course Description

The ALC Sport Coach Training is a 12-week training program at the forefront of sports psychology for youth, exploring the integration of life coaching in educational settings. It integrates recent developments in sports psychology and positive psychology with firsthand experiences from Academic Life Coaches working with a program designed for high school and college student-athletes. This course equips student-athletes with mental and emotional intelligence techniques, emphasizing the application of sports concepts to life for personal development. Prerequisite: Must have successfully completed the 1.0 training program.

Throughout this course, you will: 

  • Develop tools to work effectively with student-athletes
  • Receive support and training in working 1:1 with student-athletes or delivering the ALC Sport program to teams. 
  • Examine the five aspects of relevant sports psychology and frame them with a life coaching approach to empowerment. (Five elements: practice, pre-game rituals, in-game performance, recovery, relationships, and team culture.)

Register for the ALC Sport Course

Course Format

Class will meet once a week for two hours, at your designated class time. Each class is broken into three main parts:

  1. Discussion: The first third of class includes an open discussion on the chapter you read to prepare for the class. Your trainer will answer questions and provide additional insight. 
  2. Demonstration: Your trainer will demonstrate how to use the tool or skill being discussed with a volunteer client from class. 
  3. Practice: The last portion of class is reserved for practice time. You will be broken into pairs to practice the coaching tool or skill with a classmate. This section concludes with a reflection.

Textbooks/PDFs Included

  • Academic Life Coaching Sport Training Guide by John Andrew Williams (1 hard copy provided as part of your training.) 
  • The ALC Sport Student Workbook by John Andrew Williams (1 hard copy provided as part of your training.) 
  • Optional: Core Motivation by John Andrew Williams

Additional Courses 

  1. Health Board Life Coaching: This 8-session training course is designed for coaches who want to develop specific skills for working in the health and wellness fields. Participants will gain a deep understanding of the intersection between coaching and health. Prerequisite: Wellness Specialization.
  2. Team Coaching: This 8-session coach training course encourages team insights and offers team-building strategies for improving overall team effectiveness. In this training, students learn the role of the coach as a facilitator of positive team dynamics, equipping coaches with the skills to foster a culture of trust, communication, and collective achievement.
  3. Relationship Life Coaching: This 16-session training course offers hands-on strategies for coaches to help clients work through any relationship challenges that may arise. Coaches will explore dynamic approaches to address communication breakdowns, resolve conflicts, and foster healthy connections.

View Upcoming Course Schedule


Week 5 Sample:  Self Theory & Growth Mindset


● Read Chapter 5 in the Academic Life Coaching Sport Training Guide

● Review Tools # 2.1 and 2.2 in Client Workbook


  • How did you leverage your motivation style this past week?


This training session examines the importance of the internal game as it relates to the external and walks us through a visualization exercise to use with clients. 

Practice Coaching 

The points to address for today’s one-to-one work are: 

  • Identify an area of the game where your client would like to improve. 
  • Walk them through the visualization. 
  • Ask powerful questions about their internal dialogue. 

- How does your internal dialogue match your visualization? 

  • Ask powerful questions about gathering resources to make the visualization a reality. 
  • End the session with tangible action steps for that week. 



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