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Power Hour

Enhancing your coaching skills is most effectively achieved through consistent practice. We seamlessly incorporate practical exercises into every class, while also urging coaches to seek additional practice opportunities beyond the classroom setting to further enhance your abilities. 

Weekly Power Hour sessions offer coaches a platform for learning, connecting, discussing, and practicing various coaching skills, tools, and strategies. These sessions are inclusive, welcoming the entire CTEDU community, comprising coaches-in-training and alumni alike, making them a great opportunity to connect with the community as a whole.

You can join these sessions to make up a class (see the “make up a missed class” tab on your class page) or as bartered (paid) coaching hours for your ICF coach-client log. If you are utilizing Power Hours to make up for a missed class, you may not count that time as bartered hours because that time would be considered training hours under the ICF policies.

To see the week's Power Hours, please see the Announcements on your Coach Portal Dashboard. To see the month's Power Hours, please visit our Events page.

Join us on Zoom. https://coachtrainingedu.zoom.us/j/98673323475

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Transform your journey with
Coach Training EDU