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ICF Disqualifying Markers

While it's important to be aware of disqualifying markers, it's just as crucial to focus on the qualifying ones. Trust the process. Embracing and nurturing the skills and competencies that make you an effective coach will ultimately lead to your success in your coaching journey.

1. Ethical Standards

Does the coach breach any ethics? 

This one should be pretty easy for you to avoid in a coaching session. It’s worth reading up on the ICF’s ethical standards. The ethics of confidentiality and avoiding conflict of interest are designed to protect you as a professional and protect your client’s right to privacy.

2. Coaching vs. Therapy

Does the coach clearly practice the role of a coach rather than a consultant or therapist?

Although a coach might do some teaching or offer advice, doing so is not a coach’s primary purpose. A coach should act as an explorer of the client’s perspective. The ICF is big on coaches being an empty vessel, merely exploring the client’s world, provoking insights through curiosity, not advice-giving.

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