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Individual Benefits of Coaching & Why They Matter

In coaching, numerous advantages abound, yet research consistently highlights four fundamental benefits that cut across various coaching niches. These core advantages include enhanced self-awareness, increased confidence, improved well-being, and strengthened resilience.


Self-awareness involves recognizing both strengths and areas for improvement by understanding how others perceive us and how we perceive ourselves. It stands as a pivotal element in the coaching process, as the pursuit of meaningful goals is significantly hampered without a clear understanding of one's true desires. Research suggests that self-awareness can be categorized into two types: internal and external. Internal self-awareness pertains to understanding one's own identity, while external self-awareness relates to comprehending how others perceive us. These two facets of self-awareness often intersect, giving rise to the four self-awareness archetypes detailed in the Harvard Business Review article linked at the beginning of this paragraph.

According to the research, coaching increases or partially increases self-awareness, regardless of the type or style of coaching. (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)


Central to our coaching philosophy is the concept of self-awareness, which serves as a cornerstone in guiding clients toward the realization of their goals. By fostering a keen understanding of oneself, individuals embark on a transformative journey facilitated by skilled coaches. This introspective approach not only enhances personal growth but also empowers clients to navigate challenges with resilience and clarity. Through the lens of self-awareness, we equip coaches with the tools to create a supportive and transformative coaching environment, ultimately contributing to the holistic success of their clients. Below are some of the ways self-awareness becomes an effective tool in coaching: 

  • Help identify goal-related barriers (6)
  • Provide accurate self-evaluation (7, 8)
  • Help mold effective leadership (9, 10


Self-awareness not only unlocks an appreciation for diverse perspectives but also cultivates an understanding of the perspectives of others. By delving into one's own perspectives, individuals gain the capacity to empathize with different viewpoints and comprehend the emotions and thoughts of those around them. This heightened awareness not only fosters richer connections with others but also facilitates more effective communication, laying the foundation for meaningful relationships. This can lead to higher levels of self-control and self-esteem (11, 12). 


Confidence, the belief in one's capability or proficiency, is intricately linked with one's sense of agency. As a client embraces the conviction in their abilities and envisions a clear path to attain their goals, a myriad of advantages naturally ensue. Empowered by this self-assured mindset, individuals not only enhance their performance but also experience a heightened sense of personal fulfillment.

Coaching correlates to increased confidence (13):

  • in a work environment (14, 15
  • during coaching for strengths (16
  • in academic decisions (17)


Confidence has a profound impact on fostering a sense of agency (18). This capacity to instill a strong sense of agency could be the driving force behind the increased perseverance observed in confident individuals within both professional (19) and academic (20) environments. When individuals believe in their capabilities, they are more likely to tackle challenges with resilience and determination, contributing to sustained success and growth.

Wellness & Well-being

Wellness, in general, can be considered an indicator that things are going well for someone. The Illness to Wellness Continuum shows that wellness lives on a spectrum, from signs and symptoms of disability or death to awareness, education, and growth toward achieving high levels of subjective well-being. According to the continuum, wellness is an ongoing process and something we strive to achieve every day of our lives. 

Research shows that coaching supports wellness and well-being (21) by:

  • managing physical (22) and mental health (23, 24, 25
  • Reducing burnout and enabling cognitive hardiness (26, 27


Wellness plays a pivotal role in promoting longevity by addressing the holistic health of individuals. When individuals prioritize their physical, mental, and emotional well-being, they create a foundation for a longer and healthier life. Engaging in regular exercise, maintaining a balanced diet, managing stress, and fostering positive social connections contribute collectively to overall wellness. These lifestyle choices not only enhance physical vitality but also support mental resilience, reducing the risk of chronic diseases and improving the body's ability to withstand the aging process. Ultimately, a commitment to wellness has the potential for a longer and more fulfilling life.

Well-being contributes to our longevity in a variety of ways including: 

  • Well-being is inversely related to high mortality (28)
  • High subjective well-being could add 4 to 10 years of life (29)
  • Subjective wellness could predict mortality of various health conditions such as coronary heart disease, cancer, and mental illness. 

Life Satisfaction & Well-being

Dr. Eric Kim and his team of researchers recently found that those who have a higher sense of life satisfaction have a:

  • 26% reduced mortality risk
  • 46% reduced depression risk
  • 25% reduced physical functioning limitations risk
  • 12% reduced chronic pain risk
  • 14% reduced sleep problem onset risk 
  • 8% higher chance of engaging in frequent physical activity
  • higher physiological wellness on optimism, positive affect, life purpose, and mastery.
  • Lower results in feeling lonely, hopeless, and experiencing perceived constraints and negative affect 


Well-being empowers people to not only strengthen existing social connections but also to cultivate and broaden their network of resources. By prioritizing physical and mental health, they enhance their capacity for meaningful relationships and open avenues for personal growth. The positive ripple effect of well-being extends beyond individual benefits, contributing to the creation of supportive communities and fostering a collective environment where everyone can thrive. Here are some key benefits on the effectiveness of wellness and well-being: 

  • Well-being allows people to effectively use their time in whatever way they choose (30).
  • Well-being and wellness correlate directly with higher employee retention (31, 32, 33)
  • Wellness correlates with higher levels of effectiveness in the workplace(34

A recent survey of the research on subjective well-being and happiness, De Neve and his team found the following benefits flowed from higher levels of well-being:

  • Reduced Inflammation
  • Improvements in cardiovascular health
  • Decreased stroke and heart disease risk
  • Enhanced recovery time
  • Enhanced longevity
  • Higher rates of productivity
  • Better performance
  • Increased attendance
  • Enhanced creativity 
  • Enhanced collaboration
  • Increases in income
  • Better financial management
  • Increases in giving back
  • Better social connections


Resilience, defined as the ability to adapt and bounce back despite the circumstances, is a fundamental quality that enables people to navigate life's challenges with strength and flexibility. Not only does it facilitate personal growth but it also contributes to the development of a positive mindset, empowering people to view setbacks as opportunities for learning and improvement. By fostering resilience, individuals cultivate a mindset that not only endures adversity but actively seeks opportunities for self-discovery and resilience-building, creating a foundation for long-term success and well-being.

Research shows that coaching:

  • Strengthens resilience to stress (35, 36
  • Increases resilience in a work environment or with working professionals (37, 38, 39
  • Supports resilience during organizational change (40, 41
  • Provides resilience in leadership situations (42, 43, 44)

People who demonstrate resilience often display a survivor's mindset and self-compassion, which allows them to problem solve and exhibit healthy emotional regulation.

Stress and Well-Being

When faced with stressors, resilient individuals demonstrate an ability to adapt and bounce back, mitigating the impact of stress on their mental and emotional well-being. This capacity to view setbacks as temporary and surmountable not only aids in maintaining a positive mindset but also fosters coping mechanisms that promote emotional balance. By cultivating resilience, individuals not only weather the storms of stress more effectively but also emerge stronger, equipped with valuable tools to confront future challenges with greater confidence and composure.

Resilience serves as:

  • A protective factor against stress (45, 46
  • A mechanism for fostering hope, happiness, and optimism (47, 48

The COVID 19 Pandemic, which added pressure to global medical systems and the individual's ability to manage new routines, serves as one example of how resilience partially mediated subjective well-being and stress during the initial portion of the pandemic.

Mental Health

Resilience may be a helpful tool for offsetting the risks that could increase poor mental health, as it empowers people to confront adversity with a positive mindset, enhancing their capacity to cope and adapt to life's challenges. Building resilience involves cultivating skills such as problem-solving, seeking support, and maintaining a sense of optimism, all of which contribute to a protective barrier against the negative impact of stressors, as resilience is associated with:

  • Subjective well-being (49)
  • Life satisfaction (49)
  • Hope (49)
  • Strong Mental Health (50

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