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Breaking Down Life Coaching Barriers of Entry

May 13, 2016 by John Andrew Williams

We live in a Wikipedia world where the education that matters most is what we learn together.

Life coaching is one of the best methods of creating learning and awareness, helping clients experience growth in pursuing excellence. It’s the one on one conversation that helps facilitate this discovery far beyond the benefits of looking up solutions online or reading another self-help book.

This is why the hands-on experience of peer coaching is so critical to effective coach training. As coaches seek to grow towards their International Coach Federation Professional Coach Certification and beyond, it’s important that they look for training that emphasizes the experience of coaching in the sandbox of a practical training program.

My work within Academy of Coach Training focuses on creating content that helps lower the knowledge “barrier of entry” in the Life Coaching market. If you visit and subscribe to my channel, you will find a growing database of information to help you learn the basics (and beyond) of coaching so that as you look for Certified Life Coach Training programs you can focus on those whose primary emphasis lies not in lecturing, but in the interpersonal learning like the programs offered by Coach Training Edu.

Let’s learn together.

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