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Behind the Rosy Picture Round

Behind the Rosy Picture

The Powerful Paragraph

One of the many truths in this world is that no one truly has “it” figured out. But this truth is difficult to accept, especially when social media paints a rosy picture of everyone else’s life. But if we took the time to peek behind those photos, we’d likely see some of the same insecurities, doubts and limiting beliefs that we are faced with ourselves. In this world of comparison, it’s important to remember that being a work in progress is a gift, not a curse.

The Powerful Question to Ponder

In what ways can you extend grace to yourself this week?

About powerful paragraph

About Powerful Paragraphs

Designed to mimic coaching questions.

  • Four or five sentences to give a little context and an open-ended question.
  • Start your day with a little boost of inspiration and insight.

Blog about Life Coaching

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Graduate Stories: Kimberly Zimmerman Rand

Author CTEDU

Coach Training EDU

March 11, 2024

Kimberly Zimmerman Rand is passionate about people living their best lives through household finance. As a consultant, trainer, coach, and Principal at Dragonfly Financial Solutions LLC, she engages her talents to help others deepen their knowledge, develop their skills, and become more confident in their relationship with money. For over 25 years Kimberly has been providing services to professionals and consumers on both live and online platforms. Her superpower is bringing clarity to complex personal finance topics and inspiring people to do great things. Kimberly is an Accredited Financial Counselor® and Professional Certified Essential Life Coach from Coach Training EDU. She is also a Credit as an Asset Master Trainer and a HUD Certified Housing Counselor. Kimberly holds a Master of Social Work in Social and Economic Development and Nonprofit Management from Washington University in St. Louis, and a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Colby College.

Grace Edwards - grad story square thumbnail

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